Armory automaton rulings
Armory automaton rulings

armory automaton rulings

$2,215,256 CLAIMS YIELD TO ARBITRATION 85 Cases Are Disposed of in First Quarter by American Association -Big Gain Shown.TRAVELERS NOW SAVE ON PASSPORT VISAS Thirty Countries Agree to Abolish or Cut Fee-Britain and France Refuse Action by Congress.A ROUND OF GALLERIES Much Work of Special Interest Invites Art Lovers This Week-Striking Variety.CIVIL SERVICE BOARD ABOLISHED IN JERSEY Larson Signs Bill Ousting Men Who Refused to Quit-New Commission to Be Named.Sheffield Wednesday Clinches First Division Soccer Title.

armory automaton rulings

RUBBER TRADING QUIET Prices Close 20 Points Up to 20 Off-98 Contracts Sold.Annapolis College Beats Maryland Lacrosse Team, 5-1. DIVIDENDS IN STOCK AND EXTRAS VOTED Knox Hat Orders Distribution on Two Classes of Shares-Several Initials Declared.Carried to Unnecessary Lengths Government Modifies Rules MUST ENCOURAGE PROGRESS Rigid Adherence to Set Standards Stifles Initiative of Producer and Defeats Purpose. NEED BROADER VIEW IN STANDARDIZATION Official of Purchasing Agents Sees Need for Flexible Specifications.ENGLISH FISHING TOWN FACES A SLOW DOOM FROM THE SEA.KNAPP HAS BEEN ILL Ex-State Secretary's Face Partly Paralyzed-Now Improving. PLANES WILL TEST MAIL PICK-UP DEVICE Postoffice Department Will Adopt It if Successful in Experiments This Week.SEEK TO CURB OR OUST SEMINARY PRESIDENT Princeton Conservatives to Press Minority Directors' Report at Church Assembly.OPTIMISM OVER NEW CROP Sufficient Acreage for Adequate Yield Expected-Warm Spell Needed in the South. COTTON PRICES RISE 4 TO 9 POINTS NET Market Moves Irregularly, but Closes Steady-Liquidation of Near Months Continues.SALVAGE CONCERN PLANNED Company May Be Formed Here to Utilize Food Waste.CHINATOWN SCHOOL TEACHES ENGLISH TO NEW ARRIVALS It Sends Them Out, After Four Months' Course, With a Vocabulary of 200 Words.

Armory automaton rulings